Sunday 3 February 2013


Leadership is essential within most sports, such as football. An example of this would be Sir Alex Ferguson being born a leader like himself  has helped him to go on to become one of the best football managers in the world. Attributes which assists this quality such as enthusiasm, passion, the love of the game and the willingness to work hard is instilled upon his own players. This all helps create a team full of leaders similar to Sir Alex explaining why they are such a successful team. In comparison managers who lack the same experience and other attributes which make Sir Alex such a great leader have a less effective influence on their players. Football players look for a leader on and off the pitch mainly towards their manager so if there is an absence of leadership from the manager it has an adverse effect on the player and team as a whole resulting in a less successful team.

Carron's & Tuckmans

The comparisons between task and social cohesion can be shown directly through the different levels of football. Task cohesion can clearly be seen at a professional football level where a teams main goal is to win a match by working together and for each other because of the tangible result of doing so i.e trophies and money. Professional football players play the game as there job resulting in social cohesion being less a factor to why they want to win and play together. However social cohesion can be gained over time if players bond with each other personally through constantly being around one another and through success on the pitch. Grass roots football in comparison is the opposite with task cohesion being less of a factor to why people play football and work together. Playing at a level where there is less chance of tangible results players become friends outside the game making them play on the pitch for each other to gain success resulting in intangible results. The players at grass root levels are more often than not friends within a team they trust and support each other and so when they perform well and win football matches they develop a close relationship which help when times on and off the pitch are not going very well.

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